I don't have anything new really to report, so I guess I'll just list a bunch of random things that have happened to me lately.
-There is a small gecko that keeps getting into my house at the mission. He wiggles his way under my door and runs around my living room. Every time I chase him out with a shoe but he comes back every afternoon. I guess he hasn't learned his lesson.
- I get up everyday at 5:15am... yes that's right Mom and Dad. I can function at that hour and not be grumpy. Granted, I don't talk much on the walk to work because I haven't had any coffee yet. I make that in my house at the mission before work along with a bowl of oatmeal. Yumm.
-I have almost eaten an entire jar of peanut butter this week. To quote one of my fave movies, "It's gonna be some kind of a record!" - Ave Ventura When Nature Calls.
- The malaria medicine I am taking has a great side effect, it gives you these super real dreams! It also makes you hallucinate! I have extremely vivid dreams almost every night and I have hallucinated three times since I've been here. The first time I woke up in my bed and I saw and air conditioner on the wall. I also felt the cold air coming from it. I remember thinking, "oh this feels nice." Then I realized that I don't have air conditioning, and that it wasn't real. So I went back to sleep. The second time, I woke up again in the middle of the night and saw my 3 year old host brother Mackenzie in the corner of my room. He smirked at me and laughed and then he hid his face in the corner. Then I realized that my door was locked so there was no way for him to get in. That's when I knew it wasn't real. The last time was just before I went to bed. I was sitting under my mosquito net when I felt and heard a bee fly past my ear. I freaked out, but there was no bee under my net or in my room. My windows were also closed. Oh the fun of Mefloquin!
- On my cell phone here in Africa, I can check my bank account balance, I can surf the web, and I get 100 free text messages a day. I had none of this back in America. Who would think that you would have to move to Africa to learn about cell phone technology?
So, that it for now. Please note that I have updated my address. It is on the sidebar. Stay well everyone!