Friday, April 2, 2010

I Can See Russia From My House... Oops, I Mean ANGOLA!!!

So last week I was up at site in Nyangana. It is in the middle of NOWHERE! My dad asked me what I could see... the answer was a hospital, dirt road, and bush. Everyone at work is wonderful! I think I am going to be really happy in Nyangana. And the best part... I am on the Kavango river! I can litereally see Angola from my house.

So it's 2am here right now and I am very tired.... so I'm just gonna put a few pics up and call it a post. I couldn't take a lot of pictures, but here's what I got:
This was on the drive up to Nyangana. They called these two mountains the buttocks. Awesome name.
The outside of my house.

Looking out from my front door.

The floor plan of my house.
The Kavango River.... Angola is on the other side!
My host mother Rosemary.
One morning I woke up to this outside my house :)