Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Fresh Baked Bread and Spitting Cobras...

Life has been... well... eventful here in the past few days. The weekend was nice. Saturday was a national holiday, May Day also known as Workers Day. I did laundry for the better part of the morning. And when I say laundry, I mean hand washing. My fingers peeled by the end of it. It is brutal! Mom, you can do my laundry anytime now! I know how you love it! I am seriously missing a washing machine.

On Monday I discovered that some of the sisters at the mission bake fresh bread and sell it daily. I bought a loaf for $10. It is the best bread I have ever tasted. I'm going to be spoiled by the time I come back home. Store bought bread is just not gonna cut it from now on.

Yesterday was also a national holiday so I didn't have to go to work. In fact, I was invited over to the house of the brothers here at the mission for dinner. It was very nice. But there was one draw back to the evening... the spitting cobra at the door. Spitting cobras look like this:

I was wondering why I was ushered in the door so quickly when I arrived. Later in the evening, Father Charles (no not you Dad... haha. What a coincidence, right?) told me that he had killed a spitting cobra in the house earlier that day, but it wasn't dead yet and he didn't want me to see it on the way in. I did, however, take a peek on the way out that night after it was dead.

I guess snakes are really common here. A black mamba was killed in the computer center last week. I have filled a pair of socks with sand and put them in front of my door to cover the crack between the door and the floor so hopefully that will prevent any snakes from getting into my house. And hopefully if one does get in, Gina will let me know about it. The last Peace Corps volunteer who lived in my house apparently had an uninvited guest during her stay a few years ago. The water is really high here now so I guess alot of snakes are around. They mostly live in the trees here so I try not to walk under them. And there are no trees over my house so that is nice.

Aunt Cheryl... please don't freak out! I know you are terrified of snakes.

I will be in Rundu this Saturday into Sunday so that would be a good time to call me. I will have great service there on my cell phone. Missing you all!